

  反差別国際運動(IMADR)と認定NPO法人ヒューマンライツ・ナウは、「2021  外国人に対する差別的なビジネス慣行についての調査」を共同で実施します。


調査票への記入はこちらから➡ https://sites.google.com/view/disatbussurvey/%E3%83%9B%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A0
調査票はPDFでご覧いただけます (ルビつき日本語 英語

【調査期間】 2021年10月20日~同年11月20日
【調査方法】 紙及びフォーム
【言語】  日本語及び英語
【調査主体】 反差別国際運動(IMADR)/認定NPO法人ヒューマンライツ・ナウ
【調査協力】 明戸隆浩(立教大学)

The International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR) and Human Rights Now, an authorized NPO, jointly conduct the “2021 survey on discriminatory treatment against foreigners by business entities in Japan.”

The survey aims to disclose the existence, degree and mode of racial discrimination in business practices, specifically in 8 areas including shop entry, housing, workplace, school, medical care, banking, financing and insurance, based on the perceptions of foreigners living in Japan.

The results of this survey will be published as a report after analysis and verification by experts. At the same time, the survey will be used for advocacy activities to be reflected in government policies, as well as in NGO reports to the UN human rights treaty bodies.

This survey also aims to make the actual situation of racial discrimination against non-Japanese visible as demonstrated by the words such as “I was forced to show my residence card for no reason,” or “I was required to submit more documents than Japanese people without any particular reason.”

Outlines of the survey are as follows. We hope that as many people as possible will respond to the survey, so that we can make more detailed report on the ground and contribute to reducing discriminatory business practices against foreigners.

You can respond to the questionnaire by clicking this ➡ 

Survey period: October 20, 2021 – November 20, 2021
Response through: Google Form
Survey targets: Non-Japanese nationals living in Japan
Languages: Japanese and English
Conducted by: International Movement Against Discrimination (IMADR) /
  Human Rights Now (HRN)
Research cooperation: Takahiro AKEDO (Rikkyo University)
For inquiries, please contact: disatbussurvey@gmail.com
